For the family

By RonaMac

Handy bit of kit

A quick blip today as loads to do before we set of for Worcestershire this evening. B is coaching an after school session, so it will be about 10pm before we get there.

The annual nurses' reunion is being held tomorrow at the old hospital (now the new Uni building) and we have 120+ attending, a 30% increase on the numbers attending last year. (More about that tomorrow)

For today.... this is an ultrasonic cleaner which I use for cleaning up the hinges, screws etc from the things I restore. Rather than buy new hinges, look for parts that are unobtainable, I clean what belongs to the item. Much cheaper and less hassle. Very green - Brownie points!!!!

It works by passing ultrasonic sound through water and creating millions of tiny bubbles. These combined with a huge pressure creates the incredible cleaning results. A couple of minutes in the container and a rub with a cloth takes off a 100+ years of (crap) deposit.

The hinges etc are off the scuffy wooden box, which is progressing well.

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