Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Ray Of Sunshine

I'd like to say that Alfie was really happy about going back to school this morning and that he leapt out of bed like a gazelle and skipped out the door with a song in his heart. I would be lying though. He was grumpy. And tired. And a little bit irritable. Here he is giving me a hard stare because I dared to undo his shoelaces for him to make it easier to put his shoes on. I'd washed his blazer for him and hung it in his room along with the rest of his uniform. He put his hand in the inside pocket this morning and pulled out his Squid payment card, his door key, his ventolin inhaler and his memory stick. Oops! They're all nice and clean now though.

I had a training day all about computing and David worked at home.

Poppy, on the other hand, had a lie in, had George over to play Minecraft then got whisked off to the pub for lunch.

I think I know who had the best day.

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