Life Restarts

Life restarts after the Christmas/ New Year bonanza; Edinburgh's  temporary installations are being dismantled, the courts are busy, the schools are back and the sales are in full swing.

Clutching my token offering a birthday cream tea for two at M&S, His Lordship and I made the heroic effort of recouping it today, no matter that a) it was the morning b) our vigilance on the calorie intake started yesterday and c) neither of us was in the least bit hungry.

However a freebie is a freebie to an Edinburgh Lady, and with the offer having been made in the first place in November but due to run out today,  I was determine to get my money's worth.
In the event, the scone with cream and jam seemed sufficient and we brought the sandwiches home. Nothing wasted in this family.

With the guilt of indulgence hanging heavily in stomachs, we felt we had to walk the long way home by Princes Street and Lothian Road.

Mindful of acquiring a blip I tried hard to find something of interest, but with HL walking on while I  stopped and then ran to catch him up, I'm afraid this was the best I could do. The only mitigation might be the seat reflections on the wet pavement…….. but only might be.

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