We have their full attention.

All you need is a bag of crumbs and crusts!
This morning was taken up with a trip up to see MaggieD's Mum and take her shopping. Then by the time we got back home the sun had got his hat on so we just had to get out and enjoy it. Drove over to Linlithgow and had a short stroll along the loch side. Quite a few people were coming along with bags of crumbs (and the odd complete ender!) for the waterfowl. Boy do they rush over to the sound of a rustling bag!
The gulls are the worst - just a complete mess of feathers, wings and beaks. Those swans are rather more refined, waiting quite patiently until the hand comes out of the bag and scatters the crumbs. They don't even scrum down, well, not too much! Those long necks all swaying the same way look rather good.
Just been going through Joe's Q&A session on the new partnership. Although not wholly convinced, I will carry on and watch with interest as things develop.

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