Year 2, Day 348 - Stuc a' Chroin & Ben Vorlich

Stupid dog - he has this thing where he rubs his neck in other dog's poo...  Today he rubbed both sides in poo and both ears were covered.  I could have throttled him!!!!  So, he was hosed down when he got back and he hates getting the inside of his ears wet - serves him right!!!

I kind of pottered around today so it was nearly 3pm before I managed to get out and about so I didn't go far!  This was taken near the entrance to Flanders Moss.

I found a road I don't think I have ever been on before - it goes past Loch Rusky.  Lots of cars parked at the end of forestry roads so I'll need to investigate further!  Hopefully some nice walks...

Dale finished her personal statement for her UCAS application and we got it all registered and paid for.  Now, she just needs to get the head down and study, study, study!

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