
By tookie

Immature and Adult Bald Eagle

To celebrate our 44th anniversary we chose to travel north to the Nooksake River and scout out Bald Eagles feeding on the salmon there.  We left around 5 30am so we would be up there--just northeast of Bellingham. was still dark as we got up there around 7 25am.  So we waited and as soon as the light was better out I popped cautiously departed the knee being rather unstable at this point---Big R carried my equipment and I used my 300mm and my 250mm to capture these images.  It was extremely cold--like freezing and the rains mixed with snows began to fall.  I got a lot of shots off before I had to retreat to warm up in the car.  R left before me saying he was getting hypothermia:)   So here on the upper left is an Immature Bald Eagle and on the bottom right an Adult.  Like I just said...the Elder Bald Eagle retreated like a wimp to the car earlier:)  

Afterwards we had a delicious breakfast at Mount Baker bakery in Bellinham, stopped to see our friend Peg and had tea with friends.  Thanks to Artist Annie we no know how to get to the nooksake eagles! It was a most delightful day and my bum knee survived the car trip!

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