
By tookie

Frosty New Year's Morning!

Happy New Year's to all and may there be a softer , gentler year that brings more housing for the unhoused, more food for the hungry, more justice for the wronged, more peace to those living under the threat of bombs and air strikes and whose families that have been labeled collateral damage.....more happiness to those suffering depression, and more tolerance and reaching out to those who differ from ourselves...more universal understanding from all of us and our governments.  May we be less quick to resort to using guns to quell our fears, more educated about institutional racism and how it permeates our society...ponder how we can make a true difference toward a more just and safe and kind world for all peoples.

I took my first walk this morning and another shorter one this afternoon and so far so good.  I'm much slower and do have intermittent bad knee pain...but I'm moving it and that 's all good.  Thanks for your kind supportive words.  Tomorrow a car trip up north in search of Bald Eagles:)  We'll see how the knee survives a long car journey!  It's also our 44th anniversary and that's how we choose to savor it---in nature.

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