Extreme Clearances.

Ohhh, its been a good day. I have taken a whole car load of stuff to the dump, the cupboard under the stairs now houses useful stuff only, including scooters and school bags. The toy box that no one has looked in for years has been emptied and filled with DVDs and XBox games. Its all just brilliant. Will found his light sabre and a fine medal. I found a brand new hairdryer in its box! I have never seen it before!

And I went to the first exercise class I need to do to continue my rehabilitation. It is a combination of tai chi, pilates and yoga. Never mind my leg and ankle, I couldnt do the majority of anything, I hadnt realised how horribly inflexible I am. Just as well I have to go; I was totally at the bottom of the class. So I will be back on Sunday (hiding at the back).

I have also bought up all the fruit and vegetables in Worthing. I am like a ridiculous New Year cliche.....

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