With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Mrs Pepperpot at 3,330m

Mont Fort.

It was an arduous ascent of 2.5 hours, avoiding being clouted with skis and arrogance. It clouded over on the dot of the forecasted hour, so we unfortunately missed the best views of the immense range, but none the less, a hot chocolate up so high tastes even better. The boys were snow boarding up at La Chaud, so we left them with their lovely Sofie and had a bit of something to eat and then M skied down to meet them again. We experienced the full gamut of manners, some of the rudest portly men pushing past mum, lounging youths not making space for anyone at tables and finally a very gallant man offering his place on the bubble. 

Down in the valley, the snow has turned to rain, but it will chill again tomorrow. Mrs Pepperpot and the boys have another secret adventure planned. 

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