Because of Blip

A wonderful Blipmeet today. We met up and walked round Buttermere. Here are a few of the group (Trevor has listed us all here). Weather was good, if chilly. 
Really great company and a fine walk, despite the wet bits! Thank you Trevor and Hildarose for organising it. (And here is an almost complete team photo, although I'm sure one of the group will blip this picture. As Jeanne says, I am usually hiding at the back!)
Then I arrived home and checked into Blip, only to find we had been taken over – not exactly by aliens but . . . ! I suppose we have to wait and see whether this is good or bad news, but all I can say at the moment is – I pay membership to this site to help keep it free of advertising; I refuse to have much to do with Facebook, because of the advertising and now . . . ! 

Ironic that this should have been announced on the very day that a wonderful Blipmeet had taken place – something that only happened as a result of Blip.

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