Golden Grains

The crops are turning very quickly as our scorching weather continues.  The rain that was forecast for this afternoon hasn't eventuated sadly.

We've had a really cruisey day.  This morning our good neighbour Frank called in to tell us his paddock of peas were ripe for picking and to help ourselves.  We only picked two buckets then sat outside to pod them, very therapeutic while listening to music.

Doug did the blanching and freezing while I snuck outside to cut the edges and other odd and sods in the garden.....also therapeutic!

Those that follow my journal will know I blip this one tree from time to time, it is just down the road.  This is it just two months ago. I photographed this at 8 pm, waiting for some decent light which really didn't come.

And, isn't it good to see some positive modifications showing in the new Blip format....keep 'em coming Blip central :)


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