A Very Happy New Year to You All

I was going to go out for a walk this afternoon and just as I was leaving the rain came down. It was a really heavy shower and it didn't take too long to clear again. I decided not to go for a walk as it was so hot and  humid after the rain so took a few photos of my flowers with the raindrops on them instead. It was hard which one to use as the white gladioli looked good with the water droplets.

I got a email from Jamie again today and he is feeling so much better and is eating OK again. Really miss my Tablet as then I could talk to him.

Have a wonderful New Year and best wishes for a really happy and healthy 2015.

The carnation , scientifically known as Dianthus caryophyllus, is a historically rich and meaningful flower choice. With its scientific name dianthus roughly translating to “flower of love” or “flower of the gods”, depending on the source, this flower is one that has been revered for centuries. One of the world’s oldest cultivated flowers, the carnation is appreciated for its ruffled appearance, clove-like scent, and extended blooming period.

The carnation’s history dates back to ancient Greek and Roman times, when it was used in art and d?cor. Christians believe that the first carnation bloomed on earth when Mary wept for Jesus as he carried his cross. Carnations in these early times were predominantly found in shades of pale pink and peach, but over the years the palette of available colours has grown to include red, yellow, white, purple, and even green. Throughout so many centuries of change, the popularity of the carnation has remained undiminished. The fact that the carnation continues to endure is a testament to its vast appeal.

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