
By Munroist4113


Yes, I know I said I was engaged periodically in de-cluttering, but some stuff has too many connections to chuck.  Today, in the red corner, we have -

fake Clarice Cliff plates - because I love her designs and colour and can't afford real ones

a watercolour I did as a reminder of a holiday in India

a landscape done by No 3 daughter's first boyfriend for A level - he got an A - he was part of the family for a few years, and gave it to me as a gift

candle arrangement, Amaryllis and dusty plant on my mum's old table

old family bibles which record generations of births

hippo given to No 2 daughter by previous boyfriend as memento of their life in Africa.  It is sad for us too when these relationships come to an end!

S and M are on their way - sorry but it is either that way round -  or M and S!

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