
...on the rocks.

I've recently rediscovered Campari, a huge fave back in the late seventies in very different times.
And now,thanks to Google and a wonderful book The Drunken Botanist, the mysteries of what is in Campari are (somewhat) revealed. (Like all good potions there is a lot of secret squirrel stuff.)
So here's the good oil on possibilities
Calamus (Sweet Flag)
Cascarilla.. a bark chockers with essential oils
Chinotto...a citrussy key ingredient (and perfect for a Languedoc garden Sweet Apricots!)
Cochineal..but only until 2006. A defensive chemical (carminic acid) produced by a pest found on the prickly pear and bright red and prepared from the crushing of the cochineal scale.

(Also the colouring used for red Smarties but no longer ..and then there is the blue  oh and the white  Smarties no they look like tablets. Ok enough.)

But that is for another blip.

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