
By LaKwAtSeRa

Frosted plant

Before heading to the uni today to do a little bit of research (takes a small amount of guilt  of not having done much research lately even when the purpose of not going home to Philippines was exactly that!), i went to town to get some conditioner from Poundland and took a few photos of frosted plants. The sun was already shining in most parts of town after 12nn and so i only had small patches of area to work on around town. I decided to go to Jephson Gardens (a part of the lake was frozen!) - there should be more chance of finding frosted plants there than anywhere else (unless i invade the backgardens of private residences which i am not willing to do yet).

And so i have this photo in front of you. There is this small patch of area inside the gardens which the sun has not seen yet. I hurriedly crouched and pointed my lens into the leaves not minding the people passing by. Since i got my camera and learned the beauty of close-up photography, i have also learned how to ignore people who might think of how silly i look taking photos of mundane things.

I am almost ready to leave for Liverpool on Wednesday. My host emailed me today to ask if everything is still on for Wednesday. I just realized that there is no chance of me getting snow this New Year. I checked the weather forecast and the temperature in Liverpool is surprisingly warmer than here in Coventry area. Sigh...

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