It was time to get out into the fresh air, view the wildlife and shed a few calories so we decided on a walk in the Gosford Estate, one of our favourite watering holes and walks. Duly paying our £1 for the privilege of wandering all over the policies for the day we took the left turn out of the carpark, passing some large felled treetrunks upon which were growing a variety of fungi.
I am not familiar with this one; indeed, it resembles something the cats might have left on the doorstep, but a trawl through Google photos implies it may be Gyromitra esculenta, the conifer false morel.
Of other wildlife we saw little except a couple of swans on the pond and several bluetits near the rear of the stable block, unless you count an isolated specimen of Helleborus fœtidus in the trees by the entrance to the walled garden.
Returning home we undid all the good work by tucking into the Christmas chocolates.

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