I'm disorientated with the timing of Christmas this year. I woke early and sleepily thought it a work day, only to find it was in fact Saturday and I could feed the cat and go back to bed for further snoozing. Joy unbridled.
A lazy morning of tinkering with Christmas gifts, reading the intros of a couple of books and preparing the camper van for a trip to the frozen north. A good stock of whisky, beer and a bag of crisps are loaded into the van cupboards; just in case we get trapped in snow en route.
Nancy has been stressing about the arrival of 'foreign' tupperware boxes and lids into the kitchen cupboard, causing mis-matches and general chaos. I recall it happens most years as food-stuffs are transported from house to house and boxes are exchanged. It'll all resolve itself by February.
Owen unplugged himself from his new Bass for the first time since Christmas morn'. He showered, ate cereal and then became one with his machine again, in a Star Trek-like symbiosis.
Listening to Radio 6 now, reviewing the football and rugby reports and blipping.
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