A time for everything

By turnx3

Stained glass

This morning Roger, Laura and I drove up with John to Liverpool Anglican cathedral to hear an organ recital. We left Janet behind to have a lie-in! We got there in plenty of time, since the traffic had been really light - I guess everyone was in the Sales (!) - so we had time to wander round a bit first. We have been a couple of times before, but I never tire of seeing these magnificent buildings. The recital, by the cathedral's assistant organist, was wonderful. He focused mainly on celebratory music they play at different services during the Advent and Christmas season, with a few extras thrown in, for example Widors toccata, probably one of my favorite pieces of organ music - it gives me goosebumps every time I hear it - especially in a space such as Liverpool Cathedral. After lunch we went walking at Anderton Flashes withJanet, leaving John behind this time, at work in the kitchen! It turned out to be a very wet and cold walk - it rained the whole time we were out, and the paths were pretty muddy, so we all had to put our jeans in the washing machine when we got home! When we got home we had a very welcome hot cup of tea and a scone. Some time later we were surprised on looking out the windows to see it was snowing, and was already about an inch deep - the first snow we had seen in at least two years, since we didn't get any last year where we live in France. It was just lovely standing by the window looking out at the snow and the Christmas lights.

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