Tomorrow never knows what it doesn't know too soon
I took this photo of an old photo tonight.. I completely adore it.
It's my Nant, around 1947, two years after the war - initially I thought she was walking with Nunk... but "Nunk" looks like I knew Nunk - and he should be a young man here.
Mam tells me it was his Dad... William. Snr.
Nant looks exactly the same. Older, yes, but you would recognise those cheekbones, and that smile and those eyes still to this day.
I love that they are walking along a street I recognise to this day, and I know where they are headed. My Nunk's family stayed at the end of this road, on the corner of Ayr Street, and Academy Street, top floor.
The shop they have just passed is the Fishmongers; which was a fishmongers til last year. In this photo, in 1947 - it still has the front window which opened into the street. People were saddened when it closed, because it was there for so long, and this is proof! Now it's a beauticians, a very pretty and very successful one. (I always did wonder if they would remove the smell of fish, but it would appear they have).
I do, I do, I just love it. I can peer into it, and be there, smell the sea air, hear Nant laugh, and gaze at her father in law, and see Nunc as clear as day standing there.
That is the real joy of Blip - whatever it looks like, we are creating our own moments in history which will last as long as however.
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