Oh for the wings, for the wings of a paper plane..

The Magician was quite cross with the magical supplies shop for letting him down over the special order of Doves for the special Christmas show.

The Magician's time travel trick was working quite well though. The Christmas Day shot got put up on Boxing Day and Blip, which used to be quite clever at reading the EXIF data and working out the date of the entry just put the picture up as Boxing Day's entry. So, to make things better, this shot was taken on Boxing Day but I'm trying to put it up as Christmas Day's shot. Which means that I'll have to imagine what might happen tomorrow (Boxing Day (are you following me?)). So, I imagine that, tomorrow, I might try and install the slidey-outey recycling bin thing from IKEA but maybe it won't fit and I might decide to chop it up a bit and install it at 90 degrees to its intended positition. If so, I should probably be careful that I don't cut my thumb quite deeply on a sawn-off bit of plastic and have to go around with a lot of kitchen roll wrapped around it with a rubber band. And then I might go for a late run which might, despite the dark and the rain and the cold, turn out to be quite invigorating.

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