First of all... thanks for all the stars and favourites for my three year anniversary blip!
A good Christmas Day!
Went out for a run in the sun with M. "Dad... I think that you ought to open one of your presents first..." He had got me a pair of funky football socks. "Err, Dad, have you got any socks that I can borrow?"
"Well, M, I think that you ought to open one of YOUR presents first..." I had got him a pair of funky football socks. Same brand.
We all then went to mum's for a delicious Christmas meal. C was full of a cold but some of us managed to get out to take the uncle's dog for a walk in the park.
Later, back home, we finally managed to open the non-funky-football-sock presents. Some lovely, thoughtful presents from the kids.
And, finally, introduced the younger generation to the joys of Bill Murray in Scrooged.
And, for those of you who like a happy ending for Christmas...

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