
By Inverculain

All Xmassed Out

Or: "Completely Christmas Crackered"  :)

Vinnie had an exciting day, starting with a sneaky nose around the presents under the tree. He didn't disturb any of the parcels, but he'd obviously been paying a lot of attention to one from my sister that she'd wrapped in rather exotic paper - his nose looked like he'd been snorting glitter! :D (When I later unwrapped that present on my lap, I ended up with my trousers looking like Liberace's.)

Add to that a gift bone "from Santa" and turkey giblets in his dinner, not to mention lots of tidbits surreptitiously passed to him during lunch preparation, and all in all it's been a rather special day for our lovable lurcher.

Hope you've all had a lovely Christmas Day! :)

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