
By Inverculain

"And lo, the star went before them"

I have to admit, "photographing the sun from the supermarket car park" wasn't on my list of possible blips when I got up this morning. But when I came out with my final purchases (ok, near final - I later had to go and buy the mice pies I'd forgotten!) it was shining out nicely in the middle of a rather dramatic sky. So I thought...

a) it is, actually, a star. And

b) while the Gospel of St. Matthew is mute on whether the wise men did or did not visit the Reading Morrisons on their way to Bethlehem, I like to imagine that they could have found some appealing combo offers on myrrh and frankincense in the "Seasonal" aisle!

Merry Christmas everyone!! I hope you and yours have a wonderful day tomorrow.

Ok, latest new website glitch - it lets you enter a longer title but then truncates it when you publish. Fixed that, but couldn't bring myself to correct "mice pies"... :)))

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