All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Go Carting

As today is our last full day in Majorca, we decided to cram a lot in.

A wander down on the beach in the morning, pool time, then a boat trip. Ethan has loved watching the big boats coming and going at the jetty you can see from our hotel room window and has been desperate to go on one. So we booked tickets today for a 2 hour trip. He even got to sit on the captains knee at one point while he steered the boat!

After dinner, we hired a go cart. Again, something else Ethan kept wanting to go on. As there aren't any seat belts on the kids seats on the front we were slightly dubious about how Ethan would be on it. But he was great! He held on to the bars really nicely and enjoyed the whole experience. I don't think we'd have enjoyed pedalling it around so much in the daytime, but as the evenings are much cooler it was a really enjoyable way to kill an hour.

Then back to the hotel to catch the nightly "Thomson the dog" show which Ethan loves. It was a very tired, but happy Ethan who went to bed at 10pm this evening.

(I managed to break the camera last night - think it was exposed to too much sand on the beach. So we've had to resort to taking photos on the camera phone today).

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