Light a Candle

To all of you Blipppers who read this, may I wish you, above all, peace this Christmas, and lots of love.

So many good moments today - difficult to choose a photo - have gone for one in this afternoon's Carol Service, where one candle was lit on the Communion Table, and then all several hundred of us lit our candles from that one candle. The symbolism is that we spread the light we've been given to others who are in the darkness.

So - I took our two candles next door (they have had SUCH a tough year) when I got home, rather apologetically, but Pam was really grateful - said she'd light them in memory of two of her friends who've died this week.

Another highlight of today, that have to record, is that several of us went and sang eight carols in the pub across the road - lots of folk joined in - think it was worth it.

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