24th Door of the Advent Calendar: Merry Crash no..

Merry christmas, everyone!

A bit different kind and tragic morning before his shift, as my hubby crashed with a forest deer on his way to work early in the morning. Fortunately he was able to react so that the animal left alive injured of course but ran somewhere, and only our car lamp was injured. So he called the ER-centre and was chatting later with the police too. (In Finland you have to inform about the deer crash to the ER-centre & police immediately - to gain the insurance for the crash - and the local hunters will search and take care of the hurt animal.)

(ER is an Emergency room service, Hälytyskeskus in finnish. A nationwide first aid call center. They give the first helping instructions and deliver the right kind of helping group to the roadside, to homes etc. )

Hubby was his way to the early morning famous kid's show http://areena.yle.fi/tv/2433906, Joulupukin kuumalinja. You can watch it worldwide. It is few hours very traditional show every year in Christmas eve morning, for kids, where you can call and chat with the one and only Santa Claus before he leaves for his long journey!

The christmas eve for us will be traditional finnish one, some good food (of course baked pork too) and sauna later in the evening. Waiting for some snowing (lovely)... And if you have been nice you may have a present of two, but I am not sure if Santa will visit us himself...

As me and Mari the blipper had this idea of Advent calendar, and as it is the last day of my calendar now, I'd like to share you a police man from Oulu also was starting his shift differently. I hope this link can be opened worldwide: http://m.aamulehti.fi/kotimaa/poliisilta-allistyttava-facebook-paivitys-yovuoro-alkoi-hieman-toisenlaisella-ke?v=1

Merry christmas, all!

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