The sleepover

Olivia has been asking for a sleepover for months and months so today was the day!
We had jobs to do this morning which included having our chimney cleaned - we have a real log burning fire which is very exciting for Christmas. Kids then had a play date at our local soft play so Daddy took them while I did some last minute shopping.
Then it was back home in preparation for one of Olivia's best friends to arrive. Oh the excitement!
Olivia had made a list of sleepover activities which I must remember to photograph.
Everything went swimmingly until the actual sleeping part. The girls had very kindly included Dex in everything as he also gets on very well with Olivia's friend and the deal was that he could fall asleep on the beanbag and then once he was asleep I'd lift him to his bed. When I checked on them the girls were both reading books (made me giggle as they're such good kids) and Dex couldn't sleep as they had the reading lamp on so I took him to his own bed where he quickly fell asleep.
The problems then began between the girls as they had swapped beds as A wanted to sleep in O's bed which was fine with O as she wanted to try the inflatable camping mattress. However when O became tired she just wanted to sleep and wanted her own bed so they swapped again. It seems that neither girl liked the sleeping bag so I sorted out another duvet and thought that was that. Approx 20 mins later O came down the stairs complaining that A wouldn't turn the lamp off and she didn't want it on as she likes the bedroom pitch black to sleep! Seems A also likes to sleep with the door open. I came up with a compromise which both girls accepted and then didn't hear another sound until approx. 8am the next morning.

Wonder what Olivia thinks of sleepovers now?

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