Niall Today

By niallToday

Wheres a hungry croc when you need one.

Losing the thread a little by now, but I think today comprised of sun, sky, sweat, trudge, squish, sweat.

I am discovering that Aussies will make an attraction out of just about anything. Today we visited the stuffed (somewhat shortened) remains of the buffulo Paul Hogan confronted in Crocodile Dundee 30 yrs ago.

As a very special treat, we were given a free boat cruise because the area was flooded. Well, words do not suffice to tell you how mind blowingly dull and irritating our indigenous guide Reubens was. For 2 hrs he never stopped talking - about nothing! It was like circular breathing. 2 hrs, not a single second to draw breath. He must have told us 50 times that the area was flooded. We know - we're seeing our surrounds from a flippin' boat!

He had us all looking out for crocodiles. Well, I swear, had I seen one I would have thrown myself at its mercy to spare me from the endless drivel that was Reubens.

I think the heat is having an adverse effect on my brain. I was determined NOT to be a whinging pomm, but....

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