
By Marlytyz

Good-bye Cardiff

Well this is my second attempt at uploading to the new site.  I switched to the map view and the whole lot disappeared.  So I am having to write this again and the first time left me feeling very emotional.  The site does look good though.
This is the first Christmas ever I will not be spending with my mum who is now in a nursing home.  She will be with my brother and we tried to re-create Christmas this weekend.
I can't help remember how welcoming mum and dad always were always and particularly at Christmas.
We would arrive at their little house with our car packed to overflowing with two children, two naughty dogs and two very tired and stressed adults.  "Sit down and relax" they would say and that would be it for any real tasks.  We would laugh, gossip, play games and eat mum's wonderful cooked "dinners", not forgetting the turkey soup on boxing day.  I am forgetting the chaos she would leave the kitchen in after preparing the meal but my father would set to with just a few little moans.  They say you shouldn't live in the past so I am now looking forward to a very different Christmas with our sons and little Amelia - not forgetting Ken's mum of course.  I do keep thinking of that saying though "All change is loss, all loss is change" anon.
This photo was taken with the new iPhone 6.  Eat your heart out Nikon!

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