
I almost hate to admit it, but a few months ago...I had 6 TV's hooked up in my house. 3 bedrooms, my den, my workshop, and the family room. Then, our cable company went digital, where you have to have an 8 dollar a month box on the TV. Now, I only have 3 hooked up.

Which has lead me to pull out my old VCR player, and some VCR tapes. (I know...I'm terribly behind the times.)

This mini-series is one of my favorites. About 20 hours of Colorado history. Even as good as the mini-series was, I think the book was even better.

I have five copies of the book, so far. When I get 2 more copies, I'm going to ask Shelley (Naturelover) to paint a mountain scene across the book spines.

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