It Must Be Santa!

It Must Be Santa by Bob Dylan - here's a link if you would like to listen

"Who's got a beard that's long and white
Santa's got a beard that's long and white..."

Back into Bath this morning, with that dreaded shopping list! This time though 5 out of 10 tasks were achieved, so the success percentage is gradually increasing!!

After the removal of the Christmas Market, and my beloved Carousel, Bath seemed very dull, especially as it was a dark, grey morning. So no surprise that this colourful window display caught my eye, and added some festive cheer to my day!

(I'm not known for my ability to cope with change, so forgive me if it takes me a while to find my way around the new site. Is it just me or has the ability to preview your blip before publishing disappeared? And I can't work out how to choose the thumbnail for my photo. Both functions are probably there, it's probably just me!)

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