Here Comes the Rain Again

Here Comes the Rain Again.

Isn't it lovely when one's faith in humanity is restored by people who are prepared to add a little extra to their job?

Take the lovely team at STS Tyre Pros London Road Hemel Hempstead, they have looked after my car tyres and exhaust for the past 15 years.

This morning I had an almost flat tyre, yet I had pumped it up at the weekend.
I got the wheel off and the emergency spare on , in the rain, and at that point I saw the problem, a large dent on the inside rim of the alloy wheel, so I drove straight to Tyre Pros, muddy knees and all.

"Hello again, what are you doing here?"

It was not that long ago that I had a puncture in a back tyre.

They looked at the wheel and didn't think they could straighten it. I knew it would cost me megabucks to buy a new one. They took the tyre off the wheel and gave me directions to Max Powder, who specialise in re-furbing alloys.

5 minutes down the road, two smiley guys said "No worries" and an hour later they called me to say the wheel was repaired. (£42)

Back with the wheel to Tyre Pros for one of their delicious complimentary coffees while they put the tyre back on, balanced the wheel and put it back on the car, spare back in the boot. No charge. All sorted inside 2 hours.

Tomorrow I will take them some biscuits - because they're worth it.

Thank you STS Tyre Pros. Two Waters, London Road Hemel Hempstead.
Thank you Max Powder . Unit 8 Kents Avenue, Hemel Hempstead

You made my day - even though it rained for most of it.

Here's my favourite rainy day song

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