Porty Girl!!!

By portyg

Rescuscitation of the health service??

Had a busy day today.

Attended a conference this morning in where the Scottish Health minister announced to resounding cheers that health workers in Scotland will be getting full 2.5% payrise (as recommended by an Independent Review Body) on the 1st April, unlike the rest of UK who will be getting it in 2 stages amounting to only a 1.9% rise over the year (effectively a pay cut due to the effects of inflation!!). Took part in obligatory phot shoot, missed lunch as had to rush across the city to attend a mandatory CPR update. Managed to eat only a banana on the run.

Thought this blip summed up that we have to work on the health service to bring it back to a full? recovery. Morale is generally low due to staff shortages, lower budgets, and increasing pressures and expectations.

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