Not a day for a picnic

This morning's run took me right along the length of Snells Beach and the sun was trying to be seen all the while that I was on Erceg's Way. Took a number of pictures, and there was one other I really thought long and hard about choosing.

In the end, I decided to forego the dramatic colours in the sky, and in the reflections, for this one.

I liked the touch provided by including the picnic table. I also like the different lines across the sand and water.

Rain was common today, and when on our way back to the city late this afternoon we ran into a severe rain and thunderstorm. Had we not been on the motorway, where one is not meant to stop, I would have pulled over and stopped; it was so bad. As I am heading to Wellington tomorrow for two days of meetings, I hope the storm has stormed itself out.

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