Ways Of Seeing

By dollyfish

Big girls don't cry

I don't cry very often. And I can't remember the last time I cried during a film - it was probably when I was pregnant, although even certain adverts would have me in floods of tears during that hormonal rollercoaster ride.

Today I cried at a film: Hachi: A Dog's Tale. Based on a true story, about a dog who would meet his owner at the train station every day when he returned from work. The owner died prematurely, and that dog....(sniff)...that loyal companion...(weep)...still went to the train station every day for NINE YEARS (blubber) to wait for his owner, until he eventually died too (sob). This actually happened in Japan, where people were so touched by this dog's loyalty that there now stands a statue of the dog in his waiting spot outside the station.

As soon as the film finished, I wiped away my tears while reflecting on this deeply touching tale, until my son piped up: "Can I open my kinder egg now mum?"

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