Live, love, laugh

By Rianka


Third day in Nanjing

Our last day in Nanjing and also a day of traveling. In the morning we repacked and left our luggage at the hostel so we could go to the Confucian Temple in Nanjing. It is way more beautiful than the one in Beijing. So different. It has beautiful lakes, mountain sites and gardens. We had a lot of fun there, walking around, getting lost and making pictures in the caves where Marlene dreamed of living in. It was very confusing at the confucian temple.

Marlene had to go back to Beijing around noon, so we said goodbye to her and Beth and I went towards the big city wall gate (Zhonggoumen). It gave us a nice view of the city.

Around four o'clock we went back to the hostel, got our luggage and went towards the train station where we grabbed a meal at another fast food restaurant and got on the train to Hangzhou.

Our arrival in Hangzhou involved discussing if we want to take a bus, deciding we wanted to take a cab, trying to get a cab while ignoring the annoying fake driver and calling the hostel manager to explain to the cabdriver where to go. Eventually we got dropped off at an intersection where Peter, the hostel manager/boss, came to pick us up. He was very nice and helped us out and told us how to get to all the places.
The hostel it self involved hard beds, a chinese girl snoring very loudly (do you see a pattern?) and not a really good night sleep.

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