
I was constantly amazed today by how many iconic buildings and landmarks I came across quite unexpectedly whilst walking around. Shortly after taking this image near Monument I decided to walk up the back streets to Spitalfields rather than going up Bishopsgate and all of a sudden the Lloyds Building loomed into view. Turn another corner, on a side street and I'm right outside the main entrance to the 'Gherkin', a building that I'd seen countless times obviously in it's skyline-defining grandeur but never up close. I took a photo, it seemed the right thing, but a little obvious for a 'London blip'. I could have only bettered it by a shot of a punk on the Kings Road or a red bus in Trafalgar Square with Boris Johnson waving in the background.

Anyway, there's several nearly made-its today so for once I've made use of the blipfolio feature. Check London May 2012 for the others. Plenty of concrete in there for those of that persuasion too, as I was round the South Bank complex for the utterly brilliant Jeremy Deller exhibition, and as everyone knows some of the UK's finest examples of that particular construction material can be found on that site.

Right. Bit of music and I'm out of here. Bought a CD, it's ace. Here's, quite literally, a happy song from it.

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