Bored with taking photos at home I set off this evening to find an interesting blip in a place I hadnt been before.
I thought it might be brighter by the water and set off down an unfamiliar road in search of the waterside. But the clouds followed me, it was grey and misty, no vistas anywhere.
Then I found the road coming to an end in a farmyard, so I tried to turn round on a concrete farm track and got the front wheels of the car completely wedged in a gully with the nose of the car on the road.
The farmer came to my rescue with a tractor, thank goodness. He pulled me free, then filled the gully with stones from his wall and guided me in driving out. And the car didnt seem to be damaged, phew, although there was a bit of a worrying smell.
So I came home and here is a picture of my cat.
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