Pretty little jingle bells

2years 201days

Katie woke up early today. She had looooadddddss of milk before she'd contemplate getting out of my bed though. It was still early when we got up, and she was then immediately asked to go out with Mummy. So we got ourselves dressed and sorted (which she now says "go get sorted to go out Mummy" I get told). We were at the bike by 6.50, having agreed to go to the pretties, find the bluebells. On the bike, Katie chattered about seeing the pretties and the jingle bells. I tried to explain that the bluebells were small pretties that look like little bells. She then chattered the rest of the way about finding the pretty little jingle bells.

We cycled over to the cows that we pass on a morning and watched them being herded by a farmer on a tractor, we walked through the beautiful yellow buttercups and then I took her into the bluebell woods. She walked through them, smelt them, picked a couple, but mainly, she just stood quite in awe of them, pointing round at all the different places she could spot them.

While we were there she found herself some gigantic puddles. I had tried to convince her to wear welly boots, but she insisted on her black patent butterfly shoes. But still puddle jumped. And paddled. There were some pretty big puddles. She said hello to a couple of dogs and ran round for a while before taking her to nursery with a big smile on her face. She was actually excited to go in because when we parked the bike up, she found a ladybird which she put on her finger and carefully carried in to show the girls in nursery.

PS Look at the difference from last years bluebell shoot

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