..... feeding her friends at the pet farm.
As you can see the weather is absolutely beautiful considering we are half way through Autumn.
Had the strangest dream last night. I was laying on the floor in my sister's old house in England, singing The Owl and the Pussycat, with my great-niece Maddy. We were rolling around giggling on the floor when we found a pair of my sister's glasses.
Just then Christian came in, I said, 'Where have you been?', he replied 'I've been out making loads of money, and I'm going to spend it all'. But I knew he was sick and wouldn't be able to spend it, even though he looked so well. At that point I got up to leave the room, as I was about to cry. And then I woke up.
It was all so vivid and I remembered everything in the dream, which is odd in itself as usually I don't remember dreams at all.
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