This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today we woke up after gentle storms. The storms in the night brought cooler weather in to town and it is lovely. Jennifer came over and we all had a major social networking session. We were tweeting, google plussing, facebooking, blog linking fools for several hours. Then we had sushi at the Thai Diner not far from my house. Then we talked about some more business plans.

Jennifer hit the road back to Kansas City and I started picking up my clothes and switching out my closet from winter to summer.

Later, my long awaited birthday present arrived! I was given a ring by those I love for my 40th birthday which I celebrated as many of you know in Scotland in March. This ring is from Stewart, my parents, my brothers, and Jennifer and I love it! It is a hand made, one of a kind, original work of art by Flannery Grace Horan. It is 17.01 ct. Mandarin Spessartite Garnet with Rubellite Garnets and Peridot loose inside to make it rattle. Is also has ocean waves carved on the side, and a secret seahorse carved on the back in the sterling silver. It is a magical piece of jewelry. I will always treasure it.

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