This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

peel me a grape

I got caught up on my sleep last night. After my lovely afternoon nap I went to sleep soon after dinner as well and slept until 4am. Returned to sleep again after a few hours and woke up around 8. I think the Unites States is the land of funny sleeping patterns, but it is probably just jet lag so I will reserve judgement at this point. I finally managed to write my weekly blog and we just enjoyed the cool morning air.

Jennifer came over around 9am and we just sat around the table and talked about my travels and what her life has been like since moving to Kansas City. Then we all went to Thep Thai for lunch... Oh it was good.

However, it is staggeringly hot here. Full fledged summer temperatures. There was a tiny rain shower that Stewart and I stood out on the deck to absorb. There was also another nap.

And upon waking, a bowl of grapes. A great and exciting idea was hatched today (yes, it has to do with art- more on that later...)

ps. I miss you.

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