Brief moments in time

I got about 75 seconds of air time - a little bit on this, my photo of the moon, which was the opening shot for the run through of the Moore Marathon items on the BBC Sky At Night and then just over a minute of my interview.

I was pleased that they edited the interview in the way that they did - effectively they took the first minute with little tinkering at all. After having had the phone interview which was considerably longer, I realised that they would edit, and not use the whole thing and I was glad of that as I had fluffed it a bit on the phone with the sheer amazement of speaking to Sir Patrick Moore during the conversation!

So, it's been phone calls from family today, including an entertaining 10 minutes with Nana who described herself announcing "that's my Grandaughter" to herself in her living room this morning at just gone midnight! She also had some difficulty comprehending how it looked like they were talking to me, but I wasn't there...

Otherwise, the day has been a bit of a washout. Chris and Faye left this morning and I spent most of the rest of the day on the sofa or in bed. Feeling lousy again.

Am off to update the pain diary, which is going to be a little tricky, as I didn't keep notes whilst we were in Paris, but I know that I wasn't good. Hmmmmmm.

Back to earth now - the ICT examiner is in again tomorrow, so I need to get some sleep.

Night all

PS - Bad quality clips are on my facebook page. It's not on iPlayer yet as there are 6 more repeats on BBC One and BBC Four this week. Times are on

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