Life on the edge...

By bru22


Great day for a boot sale! Ok it was freezing yet still sunny and the people next to me had a near miss when a flock of birds crapped ALL over the top of their car! Disgusting yet hilarious! - Is that not good luck?!- Apart from that... I had a great day. I also saw my cousin Terry who I haven't seen in yonks! She was selling just a few cars down! You can actually see her boot in this pic! It's a little weird how similar yet different we are yet 20 years apart...

I came home with £113.88 which includes my £15.00 float taking my profits to a grand total £98.88 (it cost £10.00 for the table space - i also bought a pair of Calvin Klein shorts for 0.50p...) Happy days!

I sat in my boot reminiscing of the days my brother and I used to sit in the back of my dads huge car on the way to highland games and competitions every weekend all over Scotland (as I used to be a pre-champ highland dancer believe it or not)... I actually auditioned for Scottish Ballet many moons ago! I toured all over Scotland every weekend competing and I LOVED it. I nearly went back to it at the start of the year and maybe still will one day to get my championships... I still have my first kilt which lives on a teddy of mine!! - yes I was THAT small when I started... I'll blip it one day!

One highland games at Caird?! (i think) Park in Dundee, I remember my brother was about 11 and he went in for the boys running race while i was waiting on my results... He was the only boy his age to go up... He ran the race on his own and for this the adjudicator didn't only give him one Lolly pop but the whole box!!! Score!!! I loved my brother a lot that day. :-D

So anyway, the point is, when we were in the car we used to play the alphabet game - which changed every time. The main game was, you had to spot the letters on road signs or car number plates etc... Always getting stuck at letter Q for about 3 hours... And when you got to Z shout FINISHED. My parents I'm sure loved it because it shut us up the whole way home and made us concentrate...

For today's blip, I sat and thought of the alphabet game...of things I love... That make me smile, make me laugh, make me ME and make me reminisce just like I did today...

My Alphabet

A - Angel(a)...

B - Brands - I am a brand JUNKIE. Other than about 2 pairs of my socks all the rest are Calvin Klein. OCD I know... I'll not mention my pants!!!!

C - Corsa - My car! I passed my test in it. It's been on many an adventure! I've pushed it to a lot of extremes... Including pulling my handbrake right off - I'll explain that another day!

D - Dance - see above - it played a huge part in my life until I was about 14 and did some nasty damage to my knee...

E - Eyes - I have a serious thing about eyes... Love it when you find someone you can just look right into their eyes and see their heart beating... I have funky eyes too! Had an intensive course of laser light therapy when I was 13 to correct the fact I was born with about 9% of my peripheral vision... I have a lot more of it now! Not all of it but enough to be legal to drive! I used to live in a smartie tube... Literally... I didn't know any better... That was just how i saw the world until treatment.

F - Friends - Don't know where I would be without them.

G - Granma Torrie - I only have 1 Granma and she is the bees knees! You'd normally get a knitted jumper for christmas but a few years back I got a BRIGHT pink hoodie! :-) She makes a mean lasagne too! Yum!

H - Harvey - my mums last doggie. I remember getting him as a toot as the day we went to chose the golden retriever puppy I had fluorescent green elasticated shoe laces (I swear I should have been a boy sometimes) and Harvey got his gums round my shoelace and wouldn't let go! I thunk i probably cried! Obviously, this was the puppy for us! He passed away last year sadly to Cancer. Had a great life though!

I - iPad/pod/phone/mac - Apple junkie!

J - initial - all of my direct family (mum, dad, brother names' begin with this letter) :-)

K - Kisses and Cuddles - I'm probably deep down the cuddliest person you will ever meet... I'd spoon anything!! Lol... LOVE a good spoon! I prefer being the little spoon but some people are just too small! Lol...

L - Lunan Bay, my escape. I LOVE it there. It eats me up. I have a lot of memories there. I also nearly broke my foot/leg jumping off of a sand dune at 3am totally pissed when camping there about 6 years ago! Wonder Woman fail! I just did some nasty tissue damage which took a lot longer to heel than a bone would have! Woopsies! It was so totally worth it.. What I thought was a small jump turned out to be about 10ft...

M - My other family initial.

N - Numbers - I love numbers. I work in accounts. Money. I count calories. I count music. I count steps. I keep track of time so I don't miss a second! I like organised numbers.

O - OCD - I have it. I do actually love having it. My house + cupboards are all perfectly organised! I can't say I have always had it but it's great now!

P - Photography - New and old memories captured forever.

Q - Quizzes - Pub quiz, quiz machines, bandits, bingo!!

R - Rum - Sailor Jerry in particular nothing to do with the near naked lady on the inside of the bottle of course!!

S - Simon - My Mantra. My rock when I need steadying.

T - Tiffin - chocolate tiffin - YUM.

U - UK - Particularly North Scotland. Caledonia. The Mearns. My home. Where I grew up.

V - Violin - I have a tattoo on my back dated 22.09.98 which is the day i had my first violin lesson with Ruth at primary school. You can actually see her in my blip from the concert rehearsal last weekend. I was sitting at the desk right behind her.

W - Wine - Well... It loves me! What can I say!

X - xxxx Kisses. Mmmh...

Y - Yellow - The colour of sunshine! I love the sun! I love flip flops! And I need the sun for them!!

Z - Zzzz - Sleeping... Sometimes... I do need it!

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