A Day at the Falls

Mom and Dad wanted to expand the goslings horizons. "Who wants to go upriver and see the falls?" There was a quick chorus...in four part harmony..."I dooooo!" Off the family went.

If you put the picture in LARGE...you can see in the upper left...that Mom is barking out orders. "YOU CAN'T GET TOO CLOSE! DO NOT STEP ON THE METAL! ALL GOOD GOSLINGS BEHIND THE METAL!!"

The babies watched for a good long time...but, heh...they're kids. Their attention went from the waterfalls to other worldly Niagra Fallsy diversions. "Can we get some cotton candy? Can we get some taffy? Can we go to the wax museum of waterfowl? Can we go up in the tower? Can we ride the Maid of the Mist? (We wouldn't have to wear the rain slickers!!) Hey Dad...there's a moped...can we get a moped?"

Enough of that. Speaking of kids...one of my babies was born on this day in 19 and 81. Happy Birthday to Karen Marie. We are watching the little guy, so her and her husband and her brother and sister can go to the Tigers game. I even made them up a goodie bag to take with them. My Mom would be so proud.

I'm counting on somebody to tell me what kind of duck that is in the lower left. Never have seen one like this in these here parts. Pretty colors. Looks like he is wearing a herringbone jacket.

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