Re-Vision: A Photo Journal

By shellkaysm

Having Moments

The thunderstorm overnight upset Ella. There are more in the forecast over the next several days/nights.

Bailey & she have their "moments"... They haven't figured out how they feel about each other, but both have bouts of jealousy. Sometimes, they end up on the same couch resting without fully realizing what's happening. Sometimes she chases him around the basement so fast, his little legs don't seem to be able to keep up before he leaps to safety. Sometimes, they sniff each other with questioning but interested wags. He just snagged her Kong toy & gave it much more enthusiasm than she has (even freeing & chomping down the biscuit I stuffed inside). Since he is obsessing over it, now she wants it & even growled at him. As my husband calls it, it's "tough love".

We took Ella to the vet this morning, & she got rave reports: healthy & fully vaccinated (including the Lyme's, which I'm still Leary about).

Went to the school tonight to see a couple of Hannah's friends in the drama club performance--from 7 & didn't get home until 9:40. Now I have 2 loads of laundry to finish before I get to bed. So tired.

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