Nothing new I guess.
I've been so rushed today, been at college all day, then had to stay behind for extra biology lessons, then had to get home to buy more bloody mouthwash for my tongue, and had to look after my sister all night.
I did however, have an alright day I guess.
I bought 2 new Xbox games; Dead Rising and Fallout 3 off Matty.
And I spent most of the day with him as I had like a 3 hour break, which was lovely I have to say.
Also met this person today, who I've been talking to for ages now, Ryan Gates. He's in Matty's band so when I went to meet Matty they were recording their new song so Ryan was obviously there. And my god, he's lovely. So kind.
But then he is quite a player and has a fiancee.
So you know, he'll probably be good with his words.
So I spent 3 hours with them, then headed to double biology, my only lesson of the day so I can't really complain.
I was actually in a great mood, Rhiannon wasn't though.
Rhiannon has this ex, who got amnesia and forgot all about her, and we walked by him today so that put her in a shit mood, but I didn't let it get me down, she needed some happiness in her day and I like to think that was me
So once I finished college, I managed to get home and buy my mouthwash just in time for my sister to get home. She wasn't well at all, so I looked after her all night, making sure her temperature was fine, made sure she had some plain toast and made sure she wasn't sick. We sat in my room and played my new games, which was lovely as i haven't really spent much alone time with her recently.
As I smoked out my window, she told me all about her friends at school, and how one of the people in her year has supposedly had sex, her being 13 I find this hard to believe so burst out laughing, nearly choking on the smoke that was in my mouth at this point. I found this hilarious.
She then told me about one of the boys she likes, and bless her, she's adorable but really shy.
Heb went to bed about 10.30 as my mum was due home at around about 11, I stayed up, waiting for my mum to come home. I've missed my mum loads, I haven't seen her since monday, and I won't see her in the morning.
So Friday, I shall give my mummy a massive bear hug, and show her my tongue piercing, which she isn't happy about. hehe
That's it for today really, nothing new, nothing out of the ordinary, just a plain old day in the life of Katy
OH my photo, basically, it's one of my favourite tops and I haven't worn it in ages, they're my favourite band, Bury Tomorrow who I met the day I joined Blip actually! Just thought I'd share it with you all :)
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