To See New Englandly

By distractedhausfrau

What do May Showers Bring?

We awoke to a cold, steady rain this morning that persisted throughout the day. After our warm, dry early spring, it reminded me that there is nothing predictable about New England weather.

I said to my daughter, "Nature seems to have gotten it backward this year. We had lots of April flowers, and now we have May showers." She recited one of her current favorite riddles* with modifications:

"If April flowers bring May showers, what do May showers bring?" We decided that they better bring more flowers. Unfortunately, though, today the May showers only brought on a migraine. Ugh.

*Not sure if this riddle is known outside of N. America, but it goes like this:
Q: If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
A: Pilgrims.

Funny how becoming a parent makes you revisit and appreciate the jokes you can actually tell your grandmother. And I'm pretty sure my grandmother probably told the same joke when she was six.

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