
By cyclops

Stolen, Striking Off, Merit, Weekend.


The inspiration for this blip. My lovely wife MrsCyclops has taken a few upward shots of buildings recently and they look great, and with the blue sky this morning I couldn't resist. I hope she won't mind too much!

Striking Off

It's time to admit defeat. A company I have a minority stake in that has being trying to commercialise a new concept/technology for home delivery has reached the end of the road and we need to strike it off with companies house before the next accounts are due.


I got the results for last weekends diving instructors exam earlier than expected, and I passed both parts with Merit. So I am now a "Theory Instructor" and I get my own instructor number for the first time! What fun!


Lots of good stuff to look forward to. We should be diving out of Eyemouth tomorrow (weather permitting) and then we have someone's birthday to go to in the evening. There will be beer, so Sunday is for chilling out and probably doing some tidying at home, but it should be nice and relaxed. Ahhh....

Have a good Friday night everyone!!!

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