Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

Not a Bumble, but a Honey!

It was much warmer in the sun, but with a brisk breeze that made it feel downright chilly! I was a bit discouraged, as it was a quiet day with not much to do. I wandered out back and was surprised to see a huge Bumblebee working away at all the Dandelions in our yard. Since I have a dog, I refuse to use any weed killer or anything like it that might harm him.

I watched the Bumblebee, deciding he would make a good Blip, but then I realized there were many, many Honeybees working in the Dandelions as well! I was happy to see them since I have been reading about how the Honeybee population has been declining.

This photo is not as clear as I would have hoped for, but I loved the wing! You can also see all the pollen the little fellow has collected on his body. The bees continued to work while the sun was shining brightly, but as it set, it became quite cool and off they all went!

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